Premium Quality Saskatchewan Hay

The content on this site acts as a jumping off point to demonstrate the Crocus Digital Catalogue functionality for a plant or seed operation. Reach out to discuss how we could customize this platform to build a site that best suits your business needs.

2023 Season

Our Products

A quick introductory sentence here to summarize your plant types and articulate whether you are taking orders for the current season.

'These guys know what they're doing.'

A testimonial here that reinforces your quality of service and addresses any initial pain point that a potential client may have (price, logistics, trusting someone new). Sprinkling these throughout your site builds trust and establishes you as an expert.

Happy Customer

About Us

Here you would speak to the quality of your operation and what sets you apart from the competition. People like doing business with people they like, and are naturally curious about what goes on behind the scenes and got you to where you are today.

This is your spot to relate to your potential buyers, let them get to know what makes you great, and start the relationship off on a strong foot.


Frequently Asked Questions

A FAQ section when utilized correctly answers questions before people even have a chance to ask them. The benefit is that you are perceived as helpful and confident, and it cuts down time spent answering the same questions you get over and over from potential buyers.

Address shipping / delivery questions.

Here you would outline your shipping and delivery policies.

Provide helpful information for the ordering process.

Reassure new customers that it's easy and enjoyable to buy from you - outline a quick step by step here of what they can expect.

Reinforce the quality of your product.

You could potentially answer a question about your growing process, or how you determine which varieties will perform.

Looks good, right? Click here to get started on your own site.